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General documentation

Configuration directory

Main configuration directory

Hashistack Ansible uses a configuration directory to store all the configuration files and other artifacts.

This directory is defined with the variable configuration_directory. By default, it will look at {{ lookup('env', 'PWD') }}/etc/hashistack, which equals $(pwd)/etc/hashistack.

Under this directory, you are expected to place the globals.yml file, with your configuration.

Sub configuration directories

Group configuration directories

Additionally, subdirectories can be used to tailor the configuration further.

Each group within the inventory will look at a directory named after itself:

  • nomad_servers group will look for {{ configuration_directory }}/nomad_servers
  • vault_servers group will look for {{ configuration_directory }}/vault_servers
  • consul_servers group will look for {{ configuration_directory }}/consul_servers

Within each of these directories, you can place an additional globals.yml file, that will superseed the file at the root of the configuration directory.

  • Example:

    If etc/hashistack/globals.yml looks like:

    enable_vault: "no"
    enable_consul: "no"
    enable_nomad: "no"

    And etc/hashistack/nomad_servers/globals.yml looks like:

    enable_nomad: "yes"

    Servers in the nomad_servers group will end up with the following configuration:

    enable_vault: "no"
    enable_consul: "no"
    enable_nomad: "yes"

This approach lets you customize your deployment for your exact needs.

Host configuration directories

Additionally, within each group configuration directory, you can add host configuration directory, that will be named after the hosts defined in your inventory. These host directories can also be populated with a globals.yml file, that will superseed the group and deployment configuration files.

  • Example

    If etc/hashistack/globals.yml looks like:

    enable_vault: "no"
    enable_consul: "no"
    enable_nomad: "no"
    api_interface: "eth0"

    And etc/hashistack/nomad_servers/globals.yml looks like:

    enable_nomad: "yes"
    api_interface: "eth1"

    And etc/hashistack/nomad_servers/nomad-master-01/globals.yml looks like:

      api_interface: "eth0.vlan40"

    Servers in the nomad_servers group will end up with the following configuration:

    enable_vault: "no"
    enable_consul: "no"
    enable_nomad: "yes"
    api_interface: "eth1"

    Except for host nomad-master-1, who will have the following:

    enable_vault: "no"
    enable_consul: "no"
    enable_nomad: "yes"
    api_interface: "eth0.vlan40"