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> This repository is only a mirror. Development and testing is done on a private gitea server.
This role install and configure vault on **debian-based** distributions.
Role Variables
Available variables are listed below, along with default values. A sample file for the default values is available in `default/hashicorp_vault.yml.sample` in case you need it for any `group_vars` or `host_vars` configuration.
hashi_vault_install: true # by default, set to true
This variable defines if the vault package is to be installed or not before configuring. If you install vault using another task, you can set this to `false`.
hashi_vault_auto_update: false # by default, set to false
This variable allows you to choose to automatically update vault if a newer version is available. Updating vault is usually pretty safe if done on a regular basis, but for better control over the upgrade process, see `hashi_vault_version`.
hashi_vault_start_service: true
This variable defines if the vault service should be started once it has been configured. This is usefull in case you're using this role to build golden images, in which case you might want to only enable the service, to have it start on the next boot (when the image is launched)
hashi_vault_version: latest # by default, set to latest
This variable specifies the version of vault to install when `hashi_vault_install` is set to `true`. The version to specify is the version of the package on the hashicorp repository (`1.10.1-1` for example). This can be found by running `apt-cache madison vault` on a machine with the repository installed.
hashi_vault_deploy_method: host # by default, set to host
This variable defines the method of deployment of vault. The `host` method installs the binary directly on the host, and runs vault as a systemd service. The `docker` method install vault as a docker container.
> Currently, only the `host` method is available, the `docker` method will be added later.
hashi_vault_env_variables: # by default, set to {}
env_var: value
This value is a list of key/value that will populate the `vault.env` file. You do not have to capitalize the KEYS, as it will be done automatically.
hashi_vault_data_dir: "/opt/vault" # by default, set to /opt/vault
This value defines the path where consul data will be stored on the node. Defaults to `/opt/consul`.
hashi_vault_extra_files: false # by default, set to false
This variable defines whether or not there is extra configuration files to copy to the target. If there are, these extra files are expected to be jinja2 templates located all in the same directory, and will be copied to the specified directory on the target machine.
hashi_vault_extra_files_src: /tmp/extra_files # by default, set to /tmp/extra_files
This variable defines the source directory (without the trailing /) for the extra files to be copied in case there are some.
hashi_vault_extra_files_dst: /etc/vault.d/extra_files # by default, set to /etc/vault.d/extra_files
This variable defines the destination directory (without the trailing /) for the extra files to be copied.
hashi_vault_configuration: {} # by default, set to a simple configuration
This variable sets all of the configuration parameters for vault. For more information on all of them, please check the [documentation](https://developer.hashicorp.com/vault/docs/configuration). This variable is parsed and converted to json format to create the config file, so each key and value should be set according to the documentation. This method of passing configuration allows for compatibility with every configuration parameters that vault has to offer. The defaults are simply here to deploy a simple, single-node vault server without much configuration, and should NOT be used in production. You will want to edit this to deploy production-ready clusters.
`ednxzu.manage_repositories` to configure the hashicorp apt repository.
`ednxzu.manage_apt_packages` to install vault.
Example Playbook
Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too:
# calling the role inside a playbook with either the default or group_vars/host_vars
- hosts: servers
- ednxzu.hashicorp_vault
Author Information
This role was created by Bertrand Lanson in 2023.