## v0.1.0 (2024-05-28) ### Feat - refactor module, simplify naming and create additional entities for extra roles - create entities for each extra policies - change approle path to /approle instead of -approle - move every approle role to dedicated backend, and add group to pass metadata along - allow tenant admin to remount secret engines on tenant prefix - only allow tenant admin to create tokens with its own policies - allow tenant admin to create child token with its own permissions - add default admin policy - add version constraint to terraform providers - add outputs to module for policy names and role details - add first roles and approle auth method for tenant ### Fix - adjust .cz.toml which uses wrong tagging convention and useless options - some more old naming things - outputs using old reosurce naming - variable validation using old names - make tenant group external - remove duplicate resource - remove duplicate resource - remount needs sudo - increase permissions for remounting secret engines - wrong allowed_parameters type for params - revert using locals for role policies - do not allow any token creation for now, will have to avoid child tokens in tf provider config - templating not working for arrays - circular dependency - template of policy file - wrong permissions on token policy for tenant admin - wrong permissions on token/create for tenant admin - wrong permissions on token/create for tenant admin - default policy file path for admin to null, and use built-in policy if value stays null - wrong variable name in admin entity