variable "name" { type = string description = "The name of the tenant you want to create" validation { condition = can(regex("^[-a-zA-Z0-9_]*$", var.tenant_name)) error_message = "The tenant name must only contain alphanumeric characters, dashes, and underscores." } } variable "prefix" { type = string description = "The prefix to use for the tenant in vault (this will prefix mount points, policies, etc..)" } variable "root_policy_file" { type = string default = null description = "The path to the admin policy file for this tenant" } variable "additional_roles" { type = map(object({ policy_file = string })) default = {} description = <-approle) including all the roles declared in this variable. The variable should look like: additional_roles = { devs = { policy_file = "/some/path/to/policy.hcl" } admins = {...} } EOT }