run "self" { module { source = "./tests/module" } variables { name = "self-sg" description = "Tofu automated tests." delete_default_rules = false ingress_rules = { cluster = { protocol = "" port_range_min = 0 port_range_max = 0 remote_group_id = "self" } } egress_rules = { cluster = { protocol = "" port_range_min = 0 port_range_max = 0 remote_group_id = "self" } } tags = [ "tofu=true", "env=testing", ] } assert { condition = == "self-sg" error_message = "The security group name is not what was set as input" } assert { condition = can(regex("^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$", error_message = "The security group id is not a valid uuid" } assert { condition = length(module.security_group.sg_ingress_rules_raw) == 1 error_message = "There are not the expected amount of ingress rules" } assert { condition = length(module.security_group.sg_egress_rules_raw) == 1 error_message = "There are not the expected amount of egress rules" } assert { condition = module.security_group.sg_ingress_rules_raw["cluster"].remote_group_id == error_message = "The cluster ingress rule is not scoped to itself" } }