variable "name" { type = string description = "The name of the security group." } variable "description" { type = string description = "Description for the security group." default = null } variable "tenant_id" { type = string description = <<-EOT The tenant for which to create the security group. This is only required for admins creating security groups for other tenant. EOT default = null } variable "delete_default_rules" { type = bool description = <<-EOT Whether or not to delete the default egress rules applied to the security group. Default rules allow egress ipv4 and ipv6 to EOT default = false } variable "ingress_rules" { type = map(map(string)) description = <<-EOT The list of ingress rules to attach to the security group. You can use all regular entries from the openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2 resource provided by the openstack provider, except region, which defaults to the region of the provider used, and direction, which defaults to ingress. By default, if ethertype is not specified, it will by IPv4. EOT default = {} } variable "egress_rules" { type = map(map(string)) description = <<-EOT The list of egress rules to attach to the security group. You can use all regular entries from the openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2 resource provided by the openstack provider, except region, which defaults to the region of the provider used, and direction, which defaults to egress. By default, if ethertype is not specified, it will by IPv4. EOT default = {} } variable "tags" { type = list(string) description = "A list of tags (strings) to apply to the security group" default = [] }