feat(readme): added description for all variables

This commit is contained in:
Bertrand Lanson 2023-12-05 20:29:37 +01:00
parent 8fe2351ebc
commit bf707ca497

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@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
> This repository is only a mirror. Development and testing is done on a private gitea server.
A brief description of the role goes here.
This role lets you configure a docker container and run it as a systemd service on **debian-based** distributions.
@ -13,9 +14,134 @@ Role Variables
Available variables are listed below, along with default values. A sample file for the default values is available in `default/docker_systemd_service.yml.sample` in case you need it for any `group_vars` or `host_vars` configuration.
your_defaults_here: default_value # by default, set to default_value
docker_systemd_service_container_name: "My-Service" # by default, set to "My-Service"
A quick description of the variable, what it does, and how to use it.
The name that will be assigned to the container.
docker_systemd_service_image: # by default, not defined
The image (and optionally tag) to use for the service.
docker_systemd_service_container_env: {} # by default, set to {}
A list of key/value pairs, that will be written to the environment file for the container. the key NEEDS TO BE CAPTIALIZED, it will not be done automatically. Example: `MY_ENV_VAR: foobar`.
docker_systemd_service_container_pull_image: true # by default, set to true
Whether or not the role should pull the image during its run.
docker_systemd_service_container_pull_force_source: true # by default, set to true
If `docker_systemd_service_container_pull_image: true`, whether the pull you be executed at every run. See [`docker_image.force_source`](https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/collections/community/docker/docker_image_module.html#parameter-force_source)
docker_systemd_service_container_labels: [] # by default, set to []
A list of labels to add to the container. These should be strings of the form `some.label=value`.
docker_systemd_service_container_cmd: [] # by default, set to []
A list of container run command to apply.
docker_systemd_service_container_host_network: false # by default, set to false
Whether the container should use the `network_mode: host`.
docker_systemd_service_container_network: "" # by default, set to ""
If `docker_systemd_service_container_host_network: false`, you can define the network to use for the container.
docker_systemd_service_container_user: "" # by default, set to ""
Define a user to use within the container. See [user settings](https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/run/#user)
docker_systemd_service_container_hostname: "" # by default, set to ""
The hostname to apply to the container.
docker_systemd_service_container_links: [] # by default, set to []
A list of `--links` arguments.
docker_systemd_service_container_ports: [] # by default, set to []
A list of ports to expose. Example: `<host_port>:<container_port>`
docker_systemd_service_container_hosts: [] # by default, set to []
A list of `--add-host` arguments.
docker_systemd_service_container_volumes: [] # by default, set to []
A list of volumes and their mount points. Example: `/path/on/host:/path/in/container`
docker_systemd_service_container_cap_add: [] # by default, set to []
A list of capabilities to add to the container. Example: `SYS_ADMIN`.
docker_systemd_service_container_cap_drop: [] # by default, set to []
A list of capabilities to remove from the container.
docker_systemd_service_container_devices: [] # by default, set to []
A list of devices to add to the container.
docker_systemd_service_container_privileged: false # by default, set to false
Whether to run the container in privileged mode. See [runtime privilege](https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/run/#runtime-privilege-and-linux-capabilities)
docker_systemd_service_container_args: "" # by default, set to ""
Arbitrary list of arguments to the `docker run` command as a string.
docker_systemd_service_name: "{{ docker_systemd_service_container_name }}_container" # by default, set to "{{ docker_systemd_service_container_name }}_container"
The name of the systemd service to register.
docker_systemd_service_systemd_options: [] # by default, set to []
Extra options to include in systemd service file.
docker_systemd_service_enabled: true # by default, set to true
Whether the service should be enabled during the role's run.
docker_systemd_service_masked: false # by default, set to false
Whether the service should be marked as masked.
docker_systemd_service_state: started # by default, set to started
The state the service should be put in. Valid options are: `reloaded`, `restarted`, `started`, `stopped`, and `absent`. Realistically, you probably want to use `started` or `stopped`. `absent` can be used to remove the service and all associated files from the host.
docker_systemd_service_restart: true # by default, set to true
Whether the role should restart the service if changes are made to any of the files (when service is already runing).