--- deploy_haproxy_deploy_method: docker # deployment method, either host or docker deploy_haproxy_version: "2.8" deploy_haproxy_env_variables: {} deploy_haproxy_start_service: true deploy_haproxy_cert_dir: "/tmp/haproxy-cert" # docker-only options deploy_haproxy_extra_container_volumes: [] # Options from the "default" config block in haproxy.cfg # The default values here are usually set, but you can change any of them. deploy_haproxy_global: - log stdout format raw daemon debug - stats socket {{ deploy_haproxy_socket }} level admin - chroot {{ deploy_haproxy_chroot }} - daemon - description hashistack haproxy deploy_haproxy_defaults: - log global - mode http - option httplog - option dontlognull - timeout connect 5000 - timeout client 5000 - timeout server 5000 deploy_haproxy_frontends: - name: default options: - description default frontend - mode http - bind :1024 - default_backend default deploy_haproxy_backends: - name: default options: - description default backend - option forwardfor - option httpchk - http-check send meth GET uri / - server srv_nginx1 check inter 5s - server srv_nginx2 check inter 5s # listen configuration blocks # the default values expose a monitoring listener on all interfaces on port 9000 # /stats returns the haproxy dashboard (please change the user and password in the configuration) # /health returns a 200 OK response as long as haproxy is alive and well # /metrics returns prometheus metrics for the haproxy instance deploy_haproxy_listen: - name: monitoring options: - bind :9000 ssl crt /var/lib/haproxy/certs/cert.pem - mode http - option httpchk - stats enable - stats uri /stats - stats refresh 30s - stats show-desc - stats show-legends - stats auth admin:password - http-check send meth GET uri /health ver HTTP/1.1 hdr Host localhost - http-check expect status 200 - acl health_check_ok nbsrv() ge 1 - monitor-uri /health - http-request use-service prometheus-exporter if { path /metrics }