--- version: '3.9' services: runner: image: gitea/act_runner:{{ deploy_gitea_runner_version }} configs: - source: config_yaml target: /config.yaml environment: CONFIG_FILE: /config.yaml GITEA_INSTANCE_URL: "{{ deploy_gitea_runner_server_url }}" GITEA_RUNNER_REGISTRATION_TOKEN: "{{ deploy_gitea_runner_server_token }}" GITEA_RUNNER_NAME: "{{ deploy_gitea_runner_name }}" volumes: - data:/data {% if deploy_gitea_runner_config['cache']['enabled'] is defined and deploy_gitea_runner_config['cache']['enabled'] %} - cache:/cache {% endif %} - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock {% if deploy_gitea_runner_config['cache']['port'] is defined %} ports: - target: {{ deploy_gitea_runner_config['cache']['port'] }} published: {{ deploy_gitea_runner_config['cache']['port'] }} protocol: tcp mode: ingress {% endif %} networks: - internal networks: internal: driver: bridge volumes: data: driver_opts: o: bind device: {{ deploy_gitea_runner_directory }}/data type: none {% if deploy_gitea_runner_config['cache']['enabled'] is defined and deploy_gitea_runner_config['cache']['enabled'] %} cache: driver_opts: o: bind device: {{ deploy_gitea_runner_directory }}/cache type: none {%- endif %} configs: config_yaml: file: {{ deploy_gitea_runner_directory }}/config.yaml