deploy_gitea_runner ========= This role installs and configure a gitea act runner on **debian-based** distributions. Requirements ------------ If `deploy_gitea_runner_deploy_method` is set to `docker`, this role assumes you have `docker`, `docker-compose` installed on the target hosts. The role will not install these components, but you can install them using the [install_docker]( role. Role Variables -------------- Available variables are listed below, along with default values. A sample file for the default values is available in `default/deploy_gitea_runner.yml.sample` in case you need it for any `group_vars` or `host_vars` configuration. ```yaml deploy_gitea_runner_version: latest # by default, set to latest ``` This variable defines the version that will be deployed to your host. In case you use `deploy_gitea_runner_deploy_method: host`, this has to match a release version on [gitea act runner repository]( If using `deploy_gitea_runner_deploy_method: docker`, this has to match a tag on the [gitea act runner docker registry]( ```yaml deploy_gitea_runner_deploy_method: host # by default, set to host ``` This variable defines whether the gitea-runner should be deployed as a binary on the host, or as a docker container. This defaults to `host` but can also be `docker`. ```yaml deploy_gitea_runner_directory: /opt/gitea-actions # by default, set to /opt/gitea-actions ``` This variable defines where to store the files for the gitea-runner (config, potential docker-compose, etc...) ```yaml deploy_gitea_runner_timezone: "Europe/Paris" # by default, set to Europe/Paris ``` This variable is only used for if `deploy_gitea_runner_deploy_method` is `docker`, to set the timezone inside the container. ```yaml deploy_gitea_runner_register: false # by default, set to false ``` This variable sets whether or not the role will register the runner against your gitea instance. It will only register if it cannot find the `.runner` file that is generated when registering, and if `deploy_gitea_runner_server_token` is not empty. If `deploy_gitea_runner_deploy_method` is `docker`, this has no impact, since the registration will be handle automatically when to container starts up, given that you have provided a valid URL and token (either via the role's variable, or manually after deploying). ```yaml deploy_gitea_runner_start_service: false # by default, set to false ``` This variable sets whether to start the service immediately or not. In case you manually register the runner after deployment, this should be set to `false`. ```yaml deploy_gitea_runner_server_url: # by default, set to ``` This is the url of your gitea instance, and should be resolvable by the runner. ```yaml deploy_gitea_runner_server_token: "" # by default, set to an empty string ``` This is your gitea token. if it isn't set, you cannot run auto-registration. THIS IS A SENSITIVE VALUE, AND SHOULD NOT APPEAR IN CLEAR TEXT IN YOUR REPOSITORY. ```yaml deploy_gitea_runner_name: gitea-runner # by default, set to gitea-runner ``` This is the name under which the runner will register itself against your gitea server. ```yaml deploy_gitea_runner_config: # by default, set to the following log: level: info runner: file: "{{ deploy_gitea_runner_directory }}/.runner" # this HAS TO BE .runner if deploy_gitea_runner_deploy_method is docker capacity: 1 timeout: 3h insecure: false fetch_timeout: 5s fetch_interval: 2s labels: [] cache: enabled: true dir: "{{ deploy_gitea_runner_directory }}/cache" # this HAS TO BE /cache if deploy_gitea_runner_deploy_method is docker host: port: 0 external_server: container: network: "" privileged: false options: workdir_parent: valid_volumes: [] docker_host: "" host: workdir_parent: ``` This is the config file for gitea, put into a variable. The default values are from the default config.yaml generated when running `act_runner generate-config`. Some of the values, like `cache.dir` and `runner.file` have to be set to specific values in case you're running this role with `deploy_gitea_runner_deploy_method` set to `docker`. The rest is configurable according to the standard documentation. Dependencies ------------ None. Example Playbook ---------------- ```yaml # calling the role inside a playbook with either the default or group_vars/host_vars - hosts: servers roles: - ednz_cloud.deploy_gitea_runner ``` License ------- MIT / BSD Author Information ------------------ This role was created by Bertrand Lanson in 2023.