diff --git a/02-quick-start.md b/02-quick-start.md index b00e43b..2baa793 100644 --- a/02-quick-start.md +++ b/02-quick-start.md @@ -141,11 +141,13 @@ ansible-playbook -i inventory/inventory.ini ednz_cloud.hashistack.credentials.ym This will create and populate `etc/hashistack/secrets/credentials.yml`. -> [!WARNING]: This file contains root tokens and other sensitive credentials for Consul and Nomad clusters. Handle it with care! +> [!WARNING] +> This file contains root tokens and other sensitive credentials for Consul and Nomad clusters. Handle it with care! Vault credentials will be generated during the Vault cluster bootstrap process and stored in `etc/hashistack/secrets/vault.yml`. -> [!NOTE]: Encrypt these sensitive files before committing them to source control using [ansible-vault](https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/cli/ansible-vault.html) or [sops](https://github.com/getsops/sops). +> [!NOTE] +> Encrypt these sensitive files before committing them to source control using [ansible-vault](https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/cli/ansible-vault.html) or [sops](https://github.com/getsops/sops). ## ✅ Running Preflight Checks and Bootstrap Playbooks