2 22 nomad configuration
Bertrand Lanson edited this page 2024-08-29 20:02:05 +02:00

Nomad Configuration Documentation 🌍

This section provides detailed documentation on the configurable variables for deploying and managing a Nomad cluster using the hashistack-ansible collection. Each configuration map should adhere to the structure documented in the official Nomad documentation since these maps will be merged into the final Nomad configuration file.

🔧 Basics

To deploy a Nomad cluster, enable it and specify the version:

enable_nomad: "yes"
nomad_version: "1.8.1"

Define a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) for Nomad:

nomad_fqdn: nomad.ednz.lab

Specify the region and datacenter:

nomad_region: global
nomad_datacenter: dc1

🌐 TLS Configuration

Enable TLS for internal Nomad communication:

nomad_enable_tls: "{{ enable_tls_internal }}"

Define TLS settings:

  http: true
  rpc: true
  ca_file: "/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt"
  cert_file: "{{ nomad_certs_dir }}/fullchain.crt"
  key_file: "{{ nomad_certs_dir }}/cert.key"
  verify_server_hostname: true

📂 Directory Paths

Configure the paths used by Nomad for storing configuration, data, certificates, and logs:

nomad_config_dir: "{{ hashistack_remote_config_dir }}/nomad.d"
nomad_data_dir: "/opt/nomad"
nomad_certs_dir: "{{ nomad_config_dir }}/tls"
nomad_logs_dir: "{{ hashistack_remote_log_dir }}/nomad"

🌍 Address Configuration

Set the addresses and ports for Nomad communication:

nomad_bind_addr: ""
nomad_advertise_addr: "{{ api_interface_address }}"
  bind_addr: "{{ nomad_bind_addr }}"
    http: "{{ nomad_advertise_addr }}"
    rpc: "{{ nomad_advertise_addr }}"
    serf: "{{ nomad_advertise_addr }}"
    http: "{{ nomad_advertise_addr }}"
    rpc: "{{ nomad_advertise_addr }}"
    serf: "{{ nomad_advertise_addr }}"
    http: 4646
    rpc: 4647
    serf: 4648

🖥️ Server Configuration

Enable and configure Nomad server nodes:

nomad_enable_server: "{{ ('nomad_servers' in group_names) | bool }}"
nomad_server_bootstrap_expect: "{{ (groups['nomad_servers'] | length) }}"
  enabled: "{{ nomad_enable_server }}"
  data_dir: "{{ nomad_data_dir }}/server"
  encrypt: "{{ _credentials.nomad.gossip_encryption_key }}"

🖥️ Client Configuration

Enable and configure Nomad client nodes:

nomad_enable_client: "{{ ('nomad_clients' in group_names) | bool }}"
  enabled: "{{ nomad_enable_client }}"
  state_dir: "{{ nomad_data_dir }}/client"
  cni_path: "{{ cni_plugins_install_path | default('/opt/cni/bin') }}"
  bridge_network_name: nomad
  bridge_network_subnet: ""
  node_pool: >-
      'ingress' if 'nomad_ingress' in group_names else
      'controller' if 'nomad_servers' in group_names else

🖥️ UI Configuration

Enable the Nomad UI:

  enabled: "{{ nomad_enable_server }}"

🛠️ Driver Configuration

Enable or disable specific Nomad task drivers:

nomad_driver_enable_docker: true
nomad_driver_enable_podman: false
nomad_driver_enable_raw_exec: false
nomad_driver_enable_java: false
nomad_driver_enable_qemu: false

    enabled: false

📝 Logging Configuration

Configure logging for Nomad:

nomad_log_level: info
nomad_enable_log_to_file: "{{ enable_log_to_file | bool }}"
  log_file: "{{ nomad_logs_dir }}/nomad.log"
  log_rotate_duration: 24h
  log_rotate_max_files: 30

🛡️ ACL Configuration

ACLs are enabled by default in Nomad. Customize ACL settings:

  enabled: true
  token_ttl: 30s
  policy_ttl: 60s
  role_ttl: 60s

🔧 Autopilot Configuration

Use Autopilot to automate the management of Nomad servers:

nomad_autopilot_configuration: {}

📊 Telemetry Configuration

Enable telemetry and configure settings:

  collection_interval: 10s
  disable_hostname: false
  use_node_name: false
  publish_allocation_metrics: false
  publish_node_metrics: false
  prefix_filter: []
  disable_dispatched_job_summary_metrics: false
  prometheus_metrics: false

🔗 Consul Integration

Enable integration with Consul:

nomad_enable_consul_integration: "{{ enable_consul | bool }}"
  address: >-{{ consul_api_port[consul_api_scheme] }}    
  auto_advertise: true
  ssl: "{{ consul_enable_tls | bool }}"
  token: >-
    {{ _credentials.consul.tokens.nomad.server.secret_id if nomad_enable_server else _credentials.consul.tokens.nomad.client.secret_id }}    
  tags: []

Define TLS settings for Consul integration:

  ca_file: "/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt"

Server and client policies for Consul integration:

nomad_consul_integration_server_policy: |
  agent_prefix "" {
    policy = "read"
  node_prefix "" {
    policy = "read"
  service_prefix "" {
    policy = "write"
  acl  = "write"
  mesh = "write"  

nomad_consul_integration_client_policy: |
  agent_prefix "" {
    policy = "read"
  node_prefix "" {
    policy = "read"
  service_prefix "" {
    policy = "write"

🔐 Vault Integration

Enable Vault integration with Nomad:

nomad_enable_vault_integration: false
nomad_vault_integration_configuration: {}

This setting allows for seamless integration with HashiCorp Vault for secrets management.

This documentation provides an overview of the key variables and settings for configuring a Nomad cluster using hashistack-ansible. Remember to follow the official Nomad documentation for any specific configurations within each map to ensure proper integration into the final configuration file. Adjust the settings as needed to fit your environment and deployment requirements.