--- ########################## # General options ######## ########################## enable_vault: "no" enable_consul: "yes" enable_nomad: "no" nomad_version: latest consul_version: latest vault_version: latest deployment_method: "host" api_interface: "eth0" api_interface_address: "{{ ansible_facts[api_interface]['ipv4']['address'] }}" ########################## # Helper options ######### ########################## # manage_pip_packages_allow_break_system_packages: true vault_versions: host: "{{ vault_version }}{% '*' if vault_version != 'latest' %}" docker: "{{ vault_version }}" consul_versions: host: "{{ consul_version }}{% '*' if consul_version != 'latest' %}" docker: "{{ consul_version }}" nomad_versions: host: "{{ nomad_version }}{% '*' if nomad_version != 'latest' %}" docker: "{{ nomad_version }}" configuration_directory: "{{ lookup('env', 'PWD') }}/etc/hashistack" sub_configuration_directories: nomad_servers: "{{ configuration_directory }}/nomad_servers" vault_servers: "{{ configuration_directory }}/vault_servers" consul_servers: "{{ configuration_directory }}/consul_servers" configuration_global_vars_file: "globals.yml" default_container_extra_volumes: - "/etc/timezone:/etc/timezone" - "/etc/localtime:/etc/localtime" ################# # Support options ################# hashistack_supported_distributions: - ubuntu - debian hashistack_supported_distribution_versions: debian: - "11" - "12" ubuntu: - "20.04" - "22.04" preflight_enable_host_ntp_checks: true haproxy_required_ports: [80, 443] vault_required_ports: [8200, 8201] consul_required_ports: [8300, 8301, 8302, 8500, 8501, 8502, 8503, 8600] nomad_required_ports: [] ##################################################### # # # HAProxy Configuration # # # ##################################################### deploy_haproxy_deploy_method: host # deployment method, either host or docker deploy_haproxy_version: "2.8" deploy_haproxy_env_variables: {} deploy_haproxy_start_service: true deploy_haproxy_cert_dir: "" deploy_haproxy_extra_container_volumes: [] deploy_haproxy_global: - log /dev/log local0 - log /dev/log local1 notice - stats socket {{ deploy_haproxy_socket }} level admin - chroot {{ deploy_haproxy_chroot }} - daemon - description hashistack haproxy deploy_haproxy_defaults: - log global - mode http - option httplog - option dontlognull - timeout connect 5000 - timeout client 5000 - timeout server 5000 deploy_haproxy_frontends: [] # - name: default # options: # - description default frontend # - mode http # - bind :80 # - default_backend default deploy_haproxy_backends: [] # - name: default # options: # - description default backend # - option forwardfor # - option httpchk # - http-check send meth GET uri / # - server srv_nginx1 check inter 5s # - server srv_nginx2 check inter 5s deploy_haproxy_listen: - name: monitoring options: - bind :9000 - mode http - option httpchk - stats enable - stats uri /stats - stats refresh 30s - stats show-desc - stats show-legends - stats auth admin:password - http-check send meth GET uri /health ver HTTP/1.1 hdr Host localhost - http-check expect status 200 - acl health_check_ok nbsrv() ge 1 - monitor-uri /health - http-request use-service prometheus-exporter if { path /metrics } deploy_keepalived_deploy_method: "host" deploy_keepalived_version: "latest" deploy_keepalived_start_service: true deploy_keepalived_env_variables: {} deploy_keepalived_vrrp_instance_name: "{{ ansible_hostname }}" deploy_keepalived_interface: "{{ ansible_default_ipv4.interface }}" deploy_keepalived_state: "BACKUP" deploy_keepalived_router_id: 50 deploy_keepalived_priority: 100 deploy_keepalived_advert_interval: 1 deploy_keepalived_unicast_source: "{{ ansible_default_ipv4.address }}" deploy_keepalived_unicast_peers: [] deploy_keepalived_auth_passwd: "password" deploy_keepalived_virtual_ips: - deploy_keepalived_notify_script: notify.sh deploy_keepalived_custom_scripts_src: deploy_keepalived_extra_container_volumes: [] deploy_keepalived_use_custom_config: false deploy_keepalived_custom_config_src: ##################################################### # # # Nomad Configuration # # # ##################################################### hashi_nomad_cni_plugins_install: true hashi_nomad_start_service: true hashi_nomad_cni_plugins_version: latest hashi_nomad_cni_plugins_install_path: /opt/cni/bin hashi_nomad_version: latest hashi_nomad_deploy_method: host # deployment method, either host or docker hashi_nomad_env_variables: {} hashi_nomad_data_dir: /opt/nomad hashi_nomad_extra_files: false hashi_nomad_extra_files_src: /tmp/extra_files hashi_nomad_extra_files_dst: /etc/nomad.d/extra_files hashi_nomad_configuration: {} ##################################################### # # # Consul Configuration # # # ##################################################### consul_domain: consul consul_datacenter: dc1 consul_primary_datacenter: dc1 consul_leave_on_terminate: true consul_rejoin_after_leave: true consul_enable_script_checks: true ############################## # consul address configuration ############################## consul_address_configuration: # The address to which Consul will bind client interfaces, # including the HTTP and DNS servers. client_addr: "" # The address that should be bound to for internal cluster communications. bind_addr: "{{ api_interface_address }}" # The advertise address is used to change the address that we advertise to other nodes in the cluster. advertise_addr: "{{ api_interface_address }}" ########################## # consul ACL configuration ########################## consul_acl_configuration: enabled: true default_policy: "deny" # can be allow or deny enable_token_persistence: true consul_default_agent_policy: | agent_prefix "" { policy = "write" } node_prefix "" { policy = "write" } service_prefix "" { policy = "read" } ########################## # consul DNS configuration ########################## consul_dns_configuration: allow_stale: true enable_truncate: true only_passing: true ######################### # consul ui configuration ######################### consul_ui_configuration: enabled: true ################################### # consul service mesh configuration ################################### consul_mesh_configuration: enabled: true ##################### # extra configuration ##################### consul_extra_configuration: {} ############### # configuration ############### hashi_consul_start_service: true hashi_consul_version: latest hashi_consul_deploy_method: "{{ deployment_method }}" hashi_consul_env_variables: {} hashi_cosul_config_dir: "/etc/consul.d" hashi_consul_data_dir: "/opt/consul" hashi_consul_extra_files: false hashi_consul_extra_files_src: "{{ sub_configuration_directories.consul_servers }}/config" hashi_consul_extra_files_dst: "{{ hashi_consul_config_dir }}/config" hashi_consul_envoy_install: false hashi_consul_envoy_version: v1.27.2 hashi_consul_configuration: domain: "{{ consul_domain }}" datacenter: "{{ consul_datacenter }}" primary_datacenter: "{{ consul_primary_datacenter }}" data_dir: "{{ hashi_consul_data_dir }}" encrypt: "{{ 'mysupersecretgossipencryptionkey'|b64encode }}" server: "{{ 'consul_servers' in group_names }}" retry_join: "{{ groups['consul_servers'] | map('extract', hostvars, ['consul_address_configuration', 'bind_addr']) | list | to_json | from_json }}" ui_config: "{{ consul_ui_configuration }}" connect: "{{ consul_mesh_configuration }}" leave_on_terminate: true rejoin_after_leave: true enable_script_checks: true enable_syslog: true log_level: INFO acl: "{{ consul_acl_configuration }}" dns_config: "{{ consul_dns_configuration }}" ports: dns: 8600 http: 8500 https: -1 grpc: 8502 grpc_tls: 8503 server: 8300 serf_lan: 8301 serf_wan: 8302 sidecar_min_port: 21000 sidecar_max_port: 21255 expose_min_port: 21500 expose_max_port: 21755 # this is used to circumvent jinja limitation to convert string to integer hashi_consul_configuration_string: | bootstrap_expect: {{ (groups['consul_servers'] | length) }} ##################################################### # # # Vault Configuration # # # ##################################################### vault_cluster_name: vault vault_enable_ui: true vault_seal_configuration: key_shares: 3 key_threshold: 2 ######### # storage ######### vault_storage_configuration: raft: path: "{{ hashi_vault_data_dir }}/data" node_id: "{{ ansible_hostname }}" retry_join: | [ {% for host in groups['vault_servers'] %} { 'leader_api_addr': 'http://{{ hostvars[host].api_interface_address }}:8200' }{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %} {% endfor %} ] ########## # listener ########## vault_enable_tls: false vault_listener_configuration: tcp: address: "" tls_disable: true vault_tls_listener_configuration: tcp: tls_disable: false tls_cert_file: "{{ hashi_vault_extra_files_dst }}/tls/cert.pem" tls_key_file: "{{ hashi_vault_extra_files_dst }}/tls/key.pem" vault_extra_listener_configuration: {} ###################### # service registration ###################### vault_enable_service_registration: false vault_service_registration_configuration: consul: address: "" scheme: "http" ######### # plugins ######### vault_enable_plugins: true vault_plugin_directory: "{{ hashi_vault_extra_files_dst }}/plugin" ######### # logging ######### vault_enable_log_to_file: false vault_logging_configuration: log_level: info log_format: standard log_rotate_duration: 24h log_rotate_max_files: 30 ######################### # vault container volumes ######################### extra_vault_container_volumes: [] ##################### # extra configuration ##################### vault_extra_configuration: {} ############### # configuration ############### hashi_vault_start_service: true hashi_vault_version: latest hashi_vault_deploy_method: "{{ deployment_method }}" hashi_vault_env_variables: {} hashi_vault_config_dir: "/etc/vault.d" hashi_vault_data_dir: "/opt/vault" hashi_vault_extra_files: true hashi_vault_extra_files_src: "{{ sub_configuration_directories.vault_servers }}/config" hashi_vault_extra_files_dst: "{{ hashi_vault_config_dir }}/config" hashi_vault_extra_container_volumes: "{{ default_container_extra_volumes | union(extra_vault_container_volumes) | unique }}" hashi_vault_configuration: cluster_name: "{{ vault_cluster_name }}" cluster_addr: "http://{{ api_interface_address }}:8201" api_addr: "http://{{ api_interface_address }}:8200" ui: "{{ vault_enable_ui }}" disable_mlock: false disable_cache: false listener: "{{ vault_listener_configuration }}" storage: "{{ vault_storage_configuration }}"