# Architecture Guide Hashistack-Ansible allows you to deploy a number of architecture, wether you want to deploy a dev, testing, or production environment. These different architectures are described in this section. ## Dev deployment If you only want to deploy a test environment, you can simply add a simgle host to each service that you want to deploy. ```ini [haproxy_servers] [vault_servers] test01 [consul_servers] test01 [nomad_servers] test01 ``` In this example, you will end end with each service running on a single host, with no clustering, and no redundancy. This setup *IS NOT RECOMMENDED** for anything but testing purposes, as it provides zero resiliency, and will break if anything goes down. For this setup, the only requirement is for the target host to have a network interface that you can ssh into from the deployment host. The architecture would like something like this: ```mermaid graph LR; client[Client] -->|http| server{ Vault Server Consul Server Nomad Server }; ``` ## Testing/Preprod deployment ## Production deployment For production use, it is recommended to separate concerns as much as possible. This means that consul, vault and nomad, as well as the haproxy services, should be on different nodes altogether. The **client-facing** and **cluster-facing** interfaces should also be separated. Ideally, you would need: - an odd number (3 to 5) of consul servers - an odd number (3 to 5) of vault servers - an odd number (3 to 5) of nomad servers - multiple (2 to 3) haproxy servers The **nomad**, **vault** and **consul** servers should have **two network interfaces**, and one of them should be reachable from the haproxy nodes. The architecture for this infrastructure would look like: ```mermaid graph TD client[Client] -->|https :443| keepalived keepalived[VIP] --> haproxy1[HAProxy] & haproxy2[HAProxy] subgraph frontends direction LR haproxy1[HAProxy] haproxy2[HAProxy] end haproxy1[HAProxy] & haproxy2[HAProxy] -->|http :8500| consul subgraph consul direction LR consul1[Consul 01] <--> consul2[Consul 02] & consul3[Consul 03] & consul4[Consul 04] & consul5[Consul 05] consul2[Consul 02] <--> consul3[Consul 03] & consul4[Consul 04] & consul5[Consul 05] consul3[Consul 03] <--> consul4[Consul 04] & consul5[Consul 05] consul4[Consul 04] <--> consul5[Consul 05] end haproxy1[HAProxy] & haproxy2[HAProxy] -->|http :8200| vault subgraph vault direction LR vault1[Vault 01] <--> vault2[Vault 02] vault2[Vault 02] <--> vault3[Vault 03] vault3[Vault 03] <--> vault1[Vault 01] end vault -->|Service registration| consul haproxy1[HAProxy] & haproxy2[HAProxy] -->|http :4646| nomad subgraph nomad direction LR nomad1[Nomad 01] <--> nomad2[Nomad 02] nomad2[Nomad 02] <--> nomad3[Nomad 03] nomad3[Nomad 03] <--> nomad1[Nomad 01] end nomad -->|Service registration| consul ```