--- ##################################################### # # # Non-Editable # # # ##################################################### nomad_init_server: "{{ (inventory_hostname == groups['nomad_servers'][0]) | bool }}" #################### # nomad api config # #################### nomad_api_addr: "{{ nomad_api_scheme }}://{{ api_interface_address }}:{{ nomad_api_port[nomad_api_scheme] }}" nomad_api_scheme: "{{ 'https' if nomad_enable_tls else 'http' }}" nomad_api_port: http: "{{ nomad_address_configuration.ports.http }}" https: "{{ nomad_address_configuration.ports.http }}" ######################### # nomad haproxy backend # ######################### nomad_haproxy_frontend_options: - acl is_nomad hdr(host) -i {{ nomad_fqdn }} - use_backend nomad_external if is_nomad nomad_haproxy_backends: - name: nomad_external options: "{{ nomad_external_backend_options + nomad_external_backend_servers }}" nomad_external_backend_options: - description nomad external http backend - option forwardfor - option httpchk - http-check send meth GET uri / - default-server inter 2s fastinter 1s downinter 1s nomad_external_backend_servers: | [ {% for host in groups['nomad_servers'] %} 'server nomad-{{ hostvars[host].api_interface_address }} {{ hostvars[host].api_interface_address }}:{{ hostvars[host].nomad_api_port[nomad_api_scheme] }} check {{ 'ssl verify none ' if nomad_enable_tls }}inter 5s'{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %} {% endfor %} ] ############################### # nomad address configuration # ############################### nomad_address_configuration: bind_addr: "{{ api_interface_address }}" addresses: http: "{{ api_interface_address }}" rpc: "{{ api_interface_address }}" serf: "{{ api_interface_address }}" advertise: http: "{{ api_interface_address }}" rpc: "{{ api_interface_address }}" serf: "{{ api_interface_address }}" ports: http: 4646 rpc: 4647 serf: 4648 ################################# # nomad autopilot configuration # ################################# nomad_autopilot_configuration: {} ############################ # nomad consul integration # ############################ nomad_consul_integration_tls_configuration: ca_file: "/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt" nomad_consul_integration_server_configuration: server_auto_join: true nomad_consul_integration_client_configuration: client_auto_join: true grpc_address: "{{ hashicorp_consul_configuration.ports.grpc_tls if consul_enable_tls else hashicorp_consul_configuration.ports.grpc }}" nomad_consul_integration_client_tls_configuration: grpc_ca_file: "/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt" nomad_consul_integration_server_policy: | agent_prefix "" { policy = "read" } node_prefix "" { policy = "read" } service_prefix "" { policy = "write" } acl = "write" mesh = "write" nomad_consul_integration_client_policy: | agent_prefix "" { policy = "read" } node_prefix "" { policy = "read" } service_prefix "" { policy = "write" } ############################# # nomad leave configuration # ############################# # node will leave the cluster if the process is stopped # and if it is only a client nomad_leave_on_interrupt: "{{ (('nomad_clients' in group_names) and not ('nomad_servers' in group_names)) | bool }}" nomad_leave_on_terminate: "{{ (('nomad_clients' in group_names) and not ('nomad_servers' in group_names)) | bool }}" ########################## # nomad ui configuration # ########################## nomad_ui_configuration: enabled: "{{ ('nomad_servers' in group_names) | bool }}" ############################## # nomad server configuration # ############################## nomad_enable_server: "{{ ('nomad_servers' in group_names) | bool }}" nomad_server_configuration: enabled: "{{ nomad_enable_server }}" data_dir: "{{ hashicorp_nomad_data_dir }}/server" encrypt: "{{ _credentials.nomad.gossip_encryption_key }}" ############################## # nomad client configuration # ############################## nomad_enable_client: "{{ ('nomad_clients' in group_names) | bool }}" nomad_client_configuration: enabled: "{{ nomad_enable_client }}" state_dir: "{{ hashicorp_nomad_data_dir }}/client" bridge_network_name: nomad bridge_network_subnet: "" ############################### # nomad drivers configuration # ############################### nomad_driver_configuration: raw_exec: enabled: "{{ nomad_driver_enable_raw_exec | bool }}" ###################### # nomad internal tls # ###################### nomad_certificates_directory: "{{ hashicorp_nomad_config_dir }}/tls" nomad_certificates_extra_files_dir: - src: "{{ sub_configuration_directories['certificates'] }}/nomad/{{ inventory_hostname }}" dest: "{{ nomad_certificates_directory }}" ################# # nomad logging # ################# nomad_enable_log_to_file: "{{ enable_log_to_file | bool }}" nomad_logging_configuration: log_file: "{{ hashistack_remote_log_dir }}/nomad/nomad.log" log_level: info log_rotate_duration: 24h log_rotate_max_files: 30 ######################## # nomad role variables # ######################## hashicorp_nomad_start_service: true hashicorp_nomad_service_name: "nomad" hashicorp_nomad_cni_plugins_install: true hashicorp_nomad_cni_plugins_version: latest hashicorp_nomad_cni_plugins_install_path: /opt/cni/bin hashicorp_nomad_version: "{{ nomad_version }}" hashicorp_nomad_env_variables: {} hashicorp_nomad_config_dir: "{{ hashistack_remote_config_dir }}/nomad.d" hashicorp_nomad_data_dir: "{{ hashistack_remote_data_dir }}/nomad" hashicorp_nomad_extra_files: true hashicorp_nomad_extra_files_list: "{{ ([] + (nomad_certificates_extra_files_dir if nomad_enable_tls else []) + nomad_extra_files_list) | unique | sort }}" hashicorp_nomad_configuration: datacenter: "{{ nomad_datacenter }}" region: "{{ nomad_region }}" bind_addr: "" data_dir: "{{ hashicorp_nomad_data_dir }}" leave_on_interrupt: "{{ nomad_leave_on_interrupt }}" leave_on_terminate: "{{ nomad_leave_on_terminate }}" acl: "{{ nomad_acl_configuration }}" server: "{{ nomad_server_configuration }}" client: "{{ nomad_client_configuration }}" ui: "{{ nomad_ui_configuration }}" # this is used to circumvent jinja limitation to convert string to integer hashicorp_nomad_configuration_string: | server: bootstrap_expect: {{ (groups['nomad_servers'] | length) }}