#!/usr/bin/python from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function from typing import Tuple __metaclass__ = type DOCUMENTATION = r""" --- module: ednz_cloud.hashistack.vault_unseal short_description: Unseals a Vault cluster. version_added: "0.1.0" description: - This module unseals a Vault cluster by submitting the necessary unseal keys. It checks whether the Vault is sealed and performs the unseal operation if needed. The response will reflect the state after the last unseal key is submitted. requirements: - C(hvac) (L(Python library,https://hvac.readthedocs.io/en/stable/overview.html)) options: api_url: description: The URL of the Vault API. required: true type: str tls_verify: description: Whether to verify TLS certificates. required: false type: bool default: true key_shares: description: List of unseal keys required to unseal the Vault. required: false type: list default: [] author: - Bertrand Lanson (@ednz_cloud) """ EXAMPLES = r""" # Example: Unseal a Vault cluster - name: Unseal Vault cluster ednz_cloud.hashistack.vault_unseal: api_url: "" tls_verify: true key_shares: - "key1" - "key2" - "key3" # Example: Unseal Vault cluster with no TLS verification - name: Unseal Vault cluster without TLS verification ednz_cloud.hashistack.vault_unseal: api_url: "" tls_verify: false key_shares: - "key1" - "key2" """ RETURN = r""" state: description: Information about the state of the Vault unseal operation. type: dict returned: always sample: sealed: true, t: 3, n: 5, progress: 2, version: "0.6.2" """ from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule import traceback try: import hvac except ImportError: HAS_HVAC = False HVAC_IMPORT_ERROR = traceback.format_exc() else: HVAC_IMPORT_ERROR = None HAS_HVAC = True def unseal_vault(api_url: str, tls_verify: bool, key_shares: list) -> Tuple[bool, dict]: client = hvac.Client(url=api_url, verify=tls_verify) try: if client.sys.is_sealed(): return True, client.sys.submit_unseal_keys(key_shares) else: return False, {"message": "Vault is already unsealed"} except hvac.exceptions.VaultError as e: raise hvac.exceptions.VaultError(f"Vault unsealing failed: {str(e)}") def run_module(): module_args = dict( api_url=dict(type="str", required=True), tls_verify=dict(type="bool", required=False, default=True), key_shares=dict(type="list", required=False, default=[]), ) result = dict(changed=False, state="") module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=module_args, supports_check_mode=False) client = hvac.Client( url=module.params["api_url"], verify=module.params["tls_verify"] ) if not client.sys.is_sealed(): module.exit_json(**result) try: if not HAS_HVAC: module.fail_json( msg="Missing required library: hvac", exception=HVAC_IMPORT_ERROR ) vault_unseal_result, response_data = unseal_vault( api_url=module.params["api_url"], tls_verify=module.params["tls_verify"], key_shares=module.params["key_shares"], ) if hvac.Client( url=module.params["api_url"], verify=module.params["tls_verify"] ).sys.is_sealed(): module.fail_json( msg="Vault unsealing failed. The unseal operation worked, but the vault is still sealed, maybe you didn't pass enough keys ?" ) result["changed"] = vault_unseal_result result["state"] = response_data except hvac.exceptions.VaultError as ve: module.fail_json(msg=f"Vault unsealing failed: {ve}") module.exit_json(**result) def main(): run_module() if __name__ == "__main__": main()