#!/usr/bin/python from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function from typing import Tuple __metaclass__ = type DOCUMENTATION = r""" --- module: ednz_cloud.hashistack.consul_acl_bootstrap short_description: Bootstraps ACL for a Consul cluster. version_added: "0.1.0" description: - This module bootstraps ACL (Access Control List) for a Consul cluster. It performs the ACL bootstrap operation, creating the initial tokens needed for secure communication within the cluster. options: api_addr: description: The address of the Consul API. required: true type: str scheme: description: The URL scheme to use (http or https). required: false type: str default: http port: description: The port on which the Consul API is running. required: false type: int default: 8500 author: - Bertrand Lanson (@ednz_cloud) """ EXAMPLES = r""" # Example: Bootstrap ACL for a Consul cluster - name: Bootstrap ACL for Consul cluster ednz_cloud.hashistack.consul_acl_bootstrap: api_addr: scheme: http port: 8500 """ RETURN = r""" state: description: Information about the state of ACL bootstrap for the Consul cluster. type: dict returned: always sample: accessor_id: "uuuuuuuu-uuuu-iiii-dddd-111111111111", secret_id: "uuuuuuuu-uuuu-iiii-dddd-222222222222" """ from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule import traceback try: import requests except ImportError: HAS_REQUESTS = False REQUESTS_IMPORT_ERROR = traceback.format_exc() else: REQUESTS_IMPORT_ERROR = None HAS_REQUESTS = True def bootstrap_acl(scheme: str, api_addr: str, port: int) -> Tuple[bool, dict]: url = f"{scheme}://" + f"{api_addr}:{port}" + "/v1/acl/bootstrap" # Make a PUT request to bootstrap the cluster response = requests.put(url) # Check the HTTP status code and handle the response if response.status_code == 200: return True, { "accessor_id": response.json()["AccessorID"], "secret_id": response.json()["SecretID"], } elif response.status_code == 403: return False, {"message": "Cluster has already been bootstrapped"} else: response.raise_for_status() # Raise an exception for other status codes def run_module(): module_args = dict( api_addr=dict(type="str", required=True), scheme=dict(type="str", required=False, default="http"), port=dict(type="int", required=False, default=8500), ) result = dict(changed=False, state="") module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=module_args, supports_check_mode=False) try: if not HAS_REQUESTS: module.fail_json( msg="Requests library is required but not installed. {}".format( REQUESTS_IMPORT_ERROR ) ) acl_bootstrap_result, response_data = bootstrap_acl( scheme=module.params["scheme"], api_addr=module.params["api_addr"], port=module.params["port"], ) result["changed"] = acl_bootstrap_result result["state"] = response_data module.exit_json(**result) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: module.fail_json(msg="Error during ACL Bootstrap: {}".format(str(e))) def main(): run_module() if __name__ == "__main__": main()