--- # task/install file for nomad - name: "Nomad | Get latest release of nomad" when: nomad_version == 'latest' block: - name: "Nomad | Get latest nomad release from github api" ansible.builtin.uri: url: "{{ nomad_github_api }}/hashicorp/nomad/releases/latest" return_content: true register: _nomad_latest_release - name: "Nomad | Set wanted nomad version to latest tag" ansible.builtin.set_fact: _nomad_wanted_version: "{{ _nomad_latest_release.json['tag_name']|regex_replace('v', '') }}" - name: "Nomad | Set wanted nomad version to {{ nomad_version }}" ansible.builtin.set_fact: _nomad_wanted_version: "{{ nomad_version|regex_replace('v', '') }}" when: nomad_version != 'latest' - name: "Nomad | Get current nomad version" block: - name: "Nomad | Stat nomad version file" ansible.builtin.stat: path: "{{ nomad_config_dir }}/.version" changed_when: false check_mode: false register: _nomad_version_file - name: "Nomad | Get current nomad version" ansible.builtin.slurp: src: "{{ _nomad_version_file.stat.path }}" when: - _nomad_version_file.stat.exists - _nomad_version_file.stat.isreg register: _nomad_current_version - name: "Nomad | Download and install nomad binary" when: _nomad_current_version is not defined or _nomad_wanted_version != (_nomad_current_version.content|default('')|b64decode) block: - name: "Nomad | Set nomad package name to download" ansible.builtin.set_fact: _nomad_package_name: >- nomad_{{ _nomad_wanted_version }}_linux_{{ nomad_deb_architecture_map[ansible_architecture] }}.zip _nomad_shasum_file_name: >- nomad_{{ _nomad_wanted_version }}_SHA256SUMS - name: "Nomad | Download checksum file for nomad archive" ansible.builtin.get_url: url: "{{ nomad_repository_url }}/{{ _nomad_wanted_version }}/{{ _nomad_shasum_file_name }}" dest: "/tmp/{{ _nomad_shasum_file_name }}" mode: "0644" register: _nomad_checksum_file until: _nomad_checksum_file is succeeded retries: 5 delay: 2 check_mode: false - name: "Nomad | Extract correct checksum from checksum file" ansible.builtin.command: cmd: 'grep "{{ _nomad_package_name }}" /tmp/{{ _nomad_shasum_file_name }}' changed_when: false register: _nomad_expected_checksum_line - name: "Nomad | Parse the expected checksum" ansible.builtin.set_fact: _nomad_expected_checksum: "{{ _nomad_expected_checksum_line.stdout.split()[0] }}" - name: "Nomad | Download nomad binary archive" ansible.builtin.get_url: url: "{{ nomad_repository_url }}/{{ _nomad_wanted_version }}/{{ _nomad_package_name }}" dest: "/tmp/{{ _nomad_package_name }}" mode: "0644" checksum: "sha256:{{ _nomad_expected_checksum }}" register: _nomad_binary_archive until: _nomad_binary_archive is succeeded retries: 5 delay: 2 check_mode: false - name: "Nomad | Create temporary directory for archive decompression" ansible.builtin.file: path: /tmp/nomad state: directory mode: "0755" - name: "Nomad | Unpack nomad archive" ansible.builtin.unarchive: src: "/tmp/{{ _nomad_package_name }}" dest: "/tmp/nomad" owner: "{{ nomad_user }}" group: "{{ nomad_group }}" mode: "0755" remote_src: true - name: "Nomad | Copy nomad binary to {{ nomad_binary_path }}" ansible.builtin.copy: src: /tmp/nomad/nomad dest: "{{ nomad_binary_path }}" owner: root group: root mode: "0755" remote_src: true force: true - name: "Nomad | Update nomad version file" ansible.builtin.copy: content: "{{ _nomad_wanted_version }}" dest: "{{ nomad_config_dir }}/.version" owner: "{{ nomad_user }}" group: "{{ nomad_group }}" mode: "0600" - name: "Nomad | Set restart-check variable" ansible.builtin.set_fact: _nomad_service_need_restart: true - name: "Nomad | Cleanup temporary directory" ansible.builtin.file: path: "{{ item }}" state: absent loop: - /tmp/nomad - /tmp/{{ _nomad_package_name }} - /tmp/{{ _nomad_shasum_file_name }} - name: "Nomad | Copy systemd service file for nomad" ansible.builtin.template: src: "nomad.service.j2" dest: "/etc/systemd/system/nomad.service" owner: root group: root mode: "0644" register: _nomad_unit_file - name: "Nomad | Set reload-check & restart-check variable" ansible.builtin.set_fact: _nomad_service_need_reload: true _nomad_service_need_restart: true when: _nomad_unit_file.changed # noqa: no-handler